Refund policy

We want you to be happy with your purchase, which is why we accept returns on items within 14 days of delivery. Final Sale items, Accessories, Mattresses, used items and open box items, are not eligible for return.

Items must be in the original packaging and in a new, unused condition. Items should be disassembled with all the parts/screws/accessories included.

You have 14 days to request a return from the date you received the item(s). Contact us to initiate a return. Once we receive your return, the item(s) will be evaluated before your refund is made. Evaluation criteria include the following:

Item(s) must include the return label and packing slip provided by us—Please note: Returns will not be processed without a Planeproduct return label and packing slip.

Item(s) must be in the condition they were in when sent by us, including but not limited to: no damage, original tags, and all original packaging included.

Item(s) must be shipped to us within 3 days of receiving your Return Label or request for a pickup is scheduled. The evaluation process may take up to 7 days from receipt of return request and we reserve the right to make the final decision on all return requests.

Once we process your return, we will refund you for the amount you paid for the item(s), less the shipping costs to and from you and less any priority processing fee paid, by issuing you a Planeproduct credit that will be deposited in your Planeproduct wallet that can be used on your future purchases.

Make sure to only include the item(s) to be returned in your shipping box.

If your return request is not approved by us for any reason, we will notify you of our decision via email.

If your return request is not approved by us because the item(s) were inauthentic, you will have the option to have the item(s) sent back to you or disposed of by us in our reasonable discretion. If you choose to have the item(s) sent back to you, we will send you an invoice for the shipping costs back to you. If you do not respond within 14 days of receiving notice that your return request was not approved or if you do not pay the shipping invoice within 14 days of receipt, we will dispose of the item(s) at our reasonable discretion.

Received Wrong Or Damaged Item

In a case you have received a wrong or damaged item, please contact our customer service team where you will provide pictures of the products and the box. Our team will coordinate with you a resolution. In a case of damaged or wrong item is received you will not be responsible for any shipping or replacement fees to and from your house.

Exchange Policy

You can exchange items within 14 days of delivery.  Final Sale items, Accessories, and Mattresses are not eligible for Exchange. Items must be in the original packaging and in a new, unused condition. Items should be disassembled with all the parts/screws/accessories included.

Once we process your Exchange, we will refund you for the amount you paid, less the shipping costs to and from you for both the products. This refund will be issued to your Planeproduct wallet as a Planeproduct credit to use on your future purchases. 

To initiate an exchange please contact us

Warranty Policy

Products under the Manufacturer’s Warranty are covered for 12 months from the purchase date. The Manufacturers Warranty covers product manufacturing mechanical defects. If you have any issues with an item that falls under this warranty, Planeproduct will assist in filing a claim with the appropriate manufacturer for your products respective brand. In some cases, a repair, replacement parts, or an entire replacement will be authorized.